
External evaluation confirms good results delivered by GRÓ Training Programmes

16 October 2024
Fellows from the GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme doing field research
Fellows from the GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme doing field research

An extensive independent external evaluation carried out on the work of GRÓ and the four training programmes on fisheries, gender equality, geothermal energy and land restoration in 2018-2023, confirms good development results of the work of the programmes. The evaluation was conducted by the GOPA consultancy firm and sets forth 37 recommendations.

Findings indicate that the GRÓ programmes are highly relevant and fully aligned with Iceland’s international development cooperation policies and strategic goals. The GRÓ programmes complement the wider development efforts of Iceland undertaken at the international level and in partner countries. Further, the GRÓ programmes have positively contributed to advancing the cross-cutting priorities of Icelandic policy (i.e. gender equality, human rights, and climate change and the environment).

The evaluator recognizes the significant progress achieved since 2022 in the development of a standard framework to define the collective GRÓ programme intervention theory of change, including the definition of the intended results of the programmes. The programmes offer a coherent mix of interventions, with good potential for the realization of synergies across the different outputs.

The GRÓ programmes have effectively delivered the intended capacity development results, supporting young to mid-career professionals and partner organizations in 76 countries during the period 2018–2023. The programmes supported 534 individuals via in-depth training and research.-, 1,699 individuals took part in short training courses and the programmes reached 39,161 learners via online learning content. Feedback from direct beneficiaries and core partner organizations attests to the relevance and quality of the training provided. Among the 2018–203 GRÓ cohort, 73% report that they have substantially or extremely advanced in their professional career thanks to the programme participation. Alumni feedback indicates that 90% of the 2018-2023 fellows have used the training to advance their contribution in their field/area of work.

The operational efficiency at the level of the GRÓ programmes is good. Delivery of the intended programme results, in terms of quantity and quality, is in a timely manner. Linked to the fellowship programme in Iceland, the average cost per fellow across the four programmes has marginally fallen in real terms, post-inflation, compared to the average costs reported for the 2012–2016 period.

The prospects for sustainability of the GRÓ programme results and benefits are good. The vast majority of GRÓ alumni have successfully utilized their new knowledge, understanding, and skills to advance their contribution in their technical field of work in their country. Partner organizations for the GRÓ demonstrate a good level of ownership of the benefits they obtain from the partnership with the programmes.

Linked to the institutional changes in 2020, with the formal operation of the GRÓ Centre as an umbrella agency of the programmes, functioning under the auspices of UNESCO as a C2C, the evaluator concludes that operational efficiency of the set-up is adequate. While still a work in progress, longer-term collaboration with UNESCO partners has the potential to empower GRÓ alumni as local change agents even further.

The prospects for longer-term development impact of the GRÓ programmes are good. The evidence strongly suggests that the GRÓ programmes, chiefly via the GRÓ alumni, but also in partnership with long-term institutions/organizations in the partner countries, have delivered concrete changes within the countries to achieve development change and real impact. The achievements of the 2018-2023 cohort are impressive as to progress delivered in terms of project and initiatives linked to the SDGs.