Busy schedule for fellows
Marine and freshwater resources were the main focus of study during the second week of the just launched 2023-24 Six-month training programme.
It has been a busy schedule for our fellows since they arrived in Iceland late November.
The second week of the programme started with a series of seminars on fish biology, the interactions between fishing and the environment, fishing gears, stock assessment models and the quota system management in Iceland.
By mid-week some new and emerging topics were introduced -- such as “genetics and fisheries” and “cloud based data systems”.
This all was accompanied by tutorials on professional communications and scientific data management.
On Thursday the fellows were introduced to some of MFRI’s key research facilities, such as the wet-lab, where they were shown how data is collected from samples and stored inside a data base.
They also had the opportunity to learn about the institute’s expeditions on board Árni Friðriksson.
In a field trip to Hampiðjan, the leading fishing gear producer in Iceland, in the afternoon that same day, the company’s environmental and recycling approaches attracted a lot of attention.
The week ended with a presentation session yesterday, Friday, in which the fellows introduced capture fisheries and fishing technologies in their home countries.
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