State-of-the-art processing at Samherji
With pride of place in Dalvik’s harbour stands the new and highly advanced fish processing plant, Samherji. Founded in 1983, the company Samherji is a vertically integrated seafood company operating a fleet of fishing vessels, processing plants and fish farming in Iceland. The fellows were met by senior production manager, Sigurður Jörgen, who showed the group around the processing plant and the production line. Before the tour, Sigurður detailed the history of Samherji, the importance of sound and light quality inside the plant, and how the detailed planning that had gone into the efficiently organized production chain. Then, the fellows were given the opportunity to observe Samherji’s technology that transforms whole fish into market-grade fillets, and side stream products processed into value-added products. Samherji uses a nose-to-tail approach in their production, which means that no part of the fish goes to waste. Sigurður took the fellows around the control centre and explained Samherji´s modern technology to better understand each section of the production line. FTP would like to thank Sigurður for his time and the opportunity afforded to the fellows.