Former fellow building upon his work in Iceland

Mr. Hardin Jn Pierre, a GRÓ-FTP fellow from 2019, has become the first Saint Lucian to be awarded a newly established scholarship by Japan International Cooperation Agency.
The scholarship is called “SDGs Global Leadership” and aims to promote cooperation for sustainable development in the world.
Hardin, employed as a Fisheries Extension Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Saint Lucia, is now set to pursue a doctorate research with the Kagoshima University in Japan.
There he will build upon the research he did under the supervision of Olafur Sigurgeirsson at Holar University College in Iceland.
In it, he investigated the incorporation of artificial feed with live feed (artemia) in the early stages of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larval production in Saint Lucia.
This type of knowledge will help stop delays in production of post larvae, help in reducing the cost of production and ultimately make shrimp farming in Saint Lucia more efficient and sustainable.
Saint Lucia is on of twelve Caribbean countries with which GRÓ-FTP has been working to build up capacity in the fisheries sector.
We congratulate Hardin on the award and wish him the best on his doctoral journey.