
Thesis seminar of MSc and PhD Fellows

10 March 2025

A presentation seminar of the theses by the MSc and PhD Fellows will be held at GTP, Urdarhvarf 8, 203 Kópavogur on Thursday 20 March from 10:00-17:00 

Each presentation is 20-30 min. with approx. with 10 minutes allowed for questions and discussions after each one.

The schedule is as follows:


Nahashon Karanja Nzioka from Kenya, MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering at Reykjavík University:
"Cementing Techniques and Material Performance for Deep Geothermal Wells: A Case Study of the Olkaria Geothermal Field"

Supervisor: Kristinn Ingason, Professional Manager at COWI; Juliet Newson, Director of Iceland School of Energy at RU




Hugo Quinteros from El Salvador, MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering at Reykjavík University:
"Enhancement of Geoejector design for optimized application in one-phase steam flow system"

Supervisor: María S. Gudjónsdóttir, Associate Professor at RU; Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Professor at RU; Ximena Guardia, Teachers' assistant at RU



10:40 Julia Satriani Alibazah from Indonesia, MSc Geology at University of Iceland:
"Geology of Sikidang Area, Dieng Geothermal Field, Indonesia: Subsurface Geology and Fluid Geochemistry Characterization"

Supervisors: Eniko Bali, Professor at UI; Iwona Galeczka, Laboratory supervisor at UI

Christine Nyamvula Katana from Kenya, MSc Geology at University of Iceland:
"Assessment of Kenyan Rift Basalts for CO2 mineralization, case study Olkaria Geothermal field"

Supervisors: Guðmundur H. Guðfinnsson, Research Scholar at UI; Iwona Galeczka, Laboratory supervisor at UI



11:40 Alvaro Campos from El Salvador, MSc Geophysics at University of Iceland:
"Stress and Strain Monitoring using Seismic, Gravimetric, and GPS data in the Ahuachapán geothermal field, El Salvador"

Supervisors: Not yet decided
13:00 Peter Ndirangu Maina from Kenya, PhD Applied Science at Reykjavík University:
"Optimization of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Systems & Integration with Geothermal Energy for Green Hydrogen Production"

Supervisors: María S. Gudjónsdóttir, Associate Professor at RU; Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Professor at RU; Peketsa Mangi, General Manager of Geothermal Development at KenGen
13:20 Nursanty Elisabeth Banjarnahor from Indonesia, PhD Engineering at Reykjavík University:
"The Pilot Implementation of the Geoejector integrated with Two-Phase Real-Time Measurement System"

Supervisor: María S. Gudjónsdóttir, Associate Professor at RU; Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Professor at RU; Mohamad Husni Mubarok, Production & Operation Excellence Manager at Pertamina Geothermal Energy

Araksan Ahmed Aden from Djibouti, PhD Geology at University of Iceland:
"New insights into the evolution of the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift, Republic of Djibouti"

Supervisors: Eniko Bali, Professor at UI; Guðmundur Heiðar Guðfinnsson at UI; Gylfi Páll Hersir, geophysicist and independent researcher; Kayad Moussa Ahmed at ODDEG; and Iwona Monika Galeczka, Laboratory supervisor at UI




Jacqueline Mwakangale from Tanzania, PhD Environment and Natural Resources at University of Iceland:
"Sustainability Assessment through Lifecycle-Based Approaches: A comparative analysis of Geothermal and Hydropower Energy Sources"

Supervisors: Brynhildur Davídsdóttir, Professor at UI; Ólafur Ögmundarson, Associate Professor at UI; David Cook, Adjunct Lecturer at UI




Kunzes Dolma from India, PhD Engineering at Reykjavík University:
"Energy security in the Himalayan region with a focus on Ladakh"

Supervisors: Juliet Newson, Director of Iceland School of Energy at RU; Guðni Axelsson, Former director/Adjunct professor at GRÓ GTP/UI; Dr Sunetro Ghosal, Editor Stawa, visiting faculty at Norwegian University of Life Sciences and St Xavier's Autonomous College, Mumbai; Árni Ragnarsson, Senior Engineer (retired from Iceland GeoSurvey)




Patrick Muanza Kant from D.R. Congo, PhD Geology at University of Iceland:
"Detection of changes in geothermal fluxes, surface thermal anomalies and mineral alteration via remote sensing following periods of volcanic unrest at Reykjanes Peninsula, SW-Iceland"

Supervisors: Thorvaldur Thórdarson, Professor at UI; Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Professor at UI; Gunnlaugur Einarsson, Geographer at Iceland GeoSurvey; Sigurður G Kristinsson, Geologist at Iceland GeoSurvey




Daniel Villarroel from Bolivia, PhD Geochemistry at University of Iceland:
"Geochemical assessment of the geothermal area Sol de Mañana-Laguna Colorada - SW Bolivia"

Supervisors: Andri Stefánsson, Professor at UI; Sæmundur Ari Halldórsson, Research Scientist at UI; Thráinn Friðriksson, Resource Leader for District Heating at Reykjavik Energy




Tingting Zheng from China, PhD Reservoir Engineering at University of Iceland:
"Characteristics and Sustainable Yield Development of Low-medium Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs in China"

Supervisors: Guðni Axelsson, Former director/Adjunct professor at GRÓ GTP/UI; Andri Stefánsson, Professor at UI; Halldór Geirsson, Associate Professor at UI; Fengxin Kang, Professor at Shandong University of Science and Technology

The seminar is open to all and we strongly encourage everyone interested in
the world's geothermal development to attend!